Oh boy did we ride…

Good morning Tuesday and let’s hope it is not as tough a ride as Monday. Never dawned on me as we rode down the hill into the quiet town of Dol on Sunday night…that we would have to ride UP to leave. And up and up and up we rode yesterday to the other side of the island of Brac to pick up our boat again. Yes, I had to briefly use gear 31, but it felt good to hop off briefly. And yes it felt good to fly down the backside of the island.

Once in Bol, (haha, not to be confused with Dol), I plunked my big tired butt into the Adriatic and it felt great.

The rest of the day was a grand reward. We sailed from Brac island to Hvar but not before swimming in a gorgeous cove and eating fresh fish and vegetables. Amazing!! I need to hit the lottery and do this everyday.

We pulled into Hvar amidst a sea of yachts and yet everyone turned to look, our boat is beautiful and lovingly maintained by the captain/owner. She is truly yar.

The hotel for the next few nights is a 180 from the last place, very sleek, modern. And the town of Hvar is anything but sleepy. It is young, hip, and has that crazy Russian mob money feel to it.

We ate again as a group last night at a restaurant owned by a young couple, one of those places where you are walking down a lane and thinking where is this place, and then suddenly twinkling lights strung in the trees, oh here we are..

Great meal and hilarious conversation. I sat with a group of Canadian doctors and the one guide from Slovenia. The guide told “you won’t believe this” stories from her travels and the docs told hilarious “I can top that” stories of crazy patients.

Great end to a hard fought day of cycling.

Gotta run, today calls, will post pictures as I can, connectivity has made that a bit of a challenge.