We’re Here…

12 in-flight hours, 5 local commute hours on either end, and a 12 hour time difference we arrived at our hotel around 11:30 PM Friday night. For sanity’s sake, I switched my mindset to JPN time. For your reference, you were just thinking about your lunch on Friday.  As advised we closed the curtain and tried to sleep which worked for about 5 hours.  The hotel is gorgeous and the staff as gracious as expected.  Joe Ryan does not travel badly!


The scramble has begun

imageCrazy few days of work and now I am turning my sighs on the big adventure this week…Japan…still trying to figure out the blog world so i’ll keep this brief until my skill set increases.  If I’ve done this correctly you will see a picture of the infancy packing stage…shoes, a writing book, swim suit and goggles…say what?  Clearly it’s  going to be a long night.