Or so the saying goes. 2024, not my favorite and I rarely say such a thing, but just not. Looking forward with optimism even in spite of the change in presidential leadership on 1/20.
My aspirations are about the same, better health, challenge my curious nature i.e., see more, do more, be out there doing.
Toes/surgery 10/15/24 set me back but honestly it could have been anything. So I start 2025 in Bridget Jones mode, too many pounds, too many cocktails, too many excuses, but I’ll get there!
Weird week, and no exercise M-T-W. Result, I’m dull. Nothing creative flowing. Yes busy, yes I had quizzo and bingo (don’t laugh short time gig) and a tooth loose, and rain, and a group lunch in NJ.
You know what I hear in that previous paragraph … whining and complaining. Get it together girl!
Tonight I’m upstairs paying bills, yes glass of wine, and maybe banging out some Christmas cards. Kind of getting in the spirit in spite of myself.
May need to think about a post of current choices right now for Trump cabinet.. it’s interesting and scary to say the least. What will it look like this time next year?
No need to bury the lead, I went for a jog today, not a wog (aka walk/jog), certainly not a run, but a 3m jog. Was tender and ginger with my toes, wind did not help, cold was no joke, but felt great all things considered. Surgery was 10/15, I had zero expectations I would run before the new year. Thanks Dr. Cornell!!
On the let’s use the kitchen front, shopped and planned for homemade refried beans (don’t they come in a can??), thank you Gaby Dalkin for “influencing” me to try a recipe. And Cinnabon type breakfast rolls, will be my first yeast recipe! A yeast virgin, what a wrong turn of phrase. That will be courtesy of Sally’s Baking Addition.
Still no Christmas tree but I feel as I am in the spirit of things.
First thing first, a swim, felt good, so slow, but good. Build the endurance in December, start with technique in January is the plan.
I’ve zoned in on my zen out-off the radar place if I decide to make the move during the inaugural process. Winter birding in New Mexico!! Will use my American credit, spend a few days wandering, need to commit.
Okay on to recipes. Cinnabon type rolls should definitely be done in 2 steps, 1 step is the night before, next morning is bake time. All in one morning/late morning(!), it’s a lot of babysitting. My instinct is that once you have the technique, the flow is much more concise, but for new girl.. yikes.
A series of pictures and a summation, they were delish, but good for a few bites. Very sweet, very rich. I used to talk about airport Cinnabons as an indulgence post travel marathons, reality was I craved a diet soda and a turkey and cheese! Fun in theory, post marathon execution was more simplistic.
Calm Before the StormThe StormTime to punch down..Very satisfying by the way!Some were naughty, some were nice.Yum!
Oh my gawd… you have no idea how long that took me to insert pictures and they still look stupid!!
Later in the day I had an Indian “tea party” with Amit. My description, not his! It was lovely, went up to his house and he ordered food for me to try. Sat for an hour, talked work, ate food. Very relaxing.
Refried beans and watching college football for Saturday night. Got done the beans which took a long while but only due to me being chicken about the heat. They have potential, and I promptly ate the rest of my turkey and cheese sandwich. HAHAHAHA.
Good swim today, good just to get in the pool and make the manatee laugh. Time underwater spent thinking. Output = research volunteer opportunities in January. A volunteer project in Puerto Rico got my interest, but may be too chaotic with JD’s health. Anyway, I’m thinking, moving forward and may just need to look later in the year.
At a minimum, need to plan an escape from all news and social media for 1/20/25. Just can’t hack it.
Birthday on a Wednesday = ho hum? No I say. Bloom where you’re planted; in this case it was the office in NJ. Glorious upshot, my lovely co-worker Kim made me a coconut cake. Full fat, full wonderful. I had the sugar rush and gloppy gut. What a pal, so so nice, and I was so touched. You grow up in a big family and/or you get older, cake, and cake made by someone is a luxury.
On the flip side, first time in a long time I did not run on my birthday, in fact I did not work out at all. The day just kind of got away from me with the commute etc. Finished off with pizza and a salad. I’m laughing at my gluttony. Divine.
Celebrate your birthday!! Hope to see you along the way.