Saturday AM – We started with a run for no other reason than it was 6AM and we were wide awake. I also contend its a great way to see a city but that’s a debate for another day. Our hotel is just outside the Imperial Palace so we ran the perimeter of the gardens. The current climate is “swamp” at best and the Americans were in a full sweat within 110 yds; the locals were running in tights and long sleeved shirts. A nod to modesty or lunacy I’m not sure. We owe the gardens another visit as neither one of us was wowed. Shower, shave, Aqua Velva, and I will admit to a Western b-fast, we set out on our travels for the day. First stop the subway to get us to the Meiji Shrine.
Not sure what I expected but in some ways Tokyo is like any other city, lots of people, lots of motion, even a very organized homeless population, and yet everything is novel. Is it the language barrier? Maybe. Well we conquered the language barrier at our first destination with our 5 new friends, Kumimi, Chiharu, Yuki, Miki, and Natsumi. They approached Joe at the entrance to the Meiji Shrine and asked to be our tour guides. Their mission, to practice their English and put their class instruction to practical use. We so hope they read the blog as they completely set the tone for the day, the trip. They walked us through the history, ceremony, and protocol needed while visiting the Shrine. Needless to say Mr. Ryan passed with flying colors, his wife not so much. As part of our “tour”, they presented us with a bread sweet that was one of the innovations of the Meiji emperor – wrapping a plum paste with Western style bread. Mrs Ryan was very successful in gobbling this treat. We participated in a ceremonial cleansing, bowing at the gates, tossing coins in a wishing well complete with a series of bows and 2 claps. Additionally we happened upon 2 formal wedding ceremonies; I was so fascinated I forgot to take pictures. Reluctantly we said goodbye to our friends but not before they gave us another gift, 2 fans. Joe Ryan fanning himself during the day is truly a Kodak moment. Have to take a time out and figure out how to upload pics on the fly.