A weekend alone…September 2014

So the Mr. is out of town this weekend.  As he frolics in Colorado with pals I am forced to eat globs of cheesy nachos, generally washed down with a big bucket of tequila, while watching really bad tv.  The dog and I chat, agonize over squirrel problems (his), dissect age changes (mine).  All in, a very painful weekend, she says sarcastically.  But alas some check offs do happen on the honey do list.  This morning it was an analysis of old sweatshirts – yup, could not give any away but they are folded very neatly in my closet – that counts for something right? And while mucking around in the catch all closet, the sock bag called out..yoo hoo, haven’t seen you in a while.  Point of reference, I love socks, buy them randomly, sucker for color, stickler for thin vs thick (both needed but selected judiciously).  And all that said, I am more often than not without socks, even in the winter.

For running however, I need socks.  So the sock bag referenced above is the running sock bag where thick vs thin is very pertinent based on the running shoes being worn.  Matching, however, is overrated, hence a sock bag of unmatched socks, where a match is 2 thicks or 2 thins.

So here comes the metaphor…I have a lot of running socks, really cool running socks, lots that have not been worn for a while.  Like most people I grab from the top and replace on top, it’s easy.  Hmmm…are you with me…it’s like life, sometimes we need to do a little inventory and really savor what we have, nurture it, don’t let the elastic rot for lack of use.  Mix things up, dig deep, don’t take the easy route.

And on that note, I have to go back to matching socks and maybe even sending some on to their final destination, acknowledging that I have let some elastic rot…eeks that sounds grim eh?

Talk soon –Sock Picture Sept 2014