Oh these funny Japanese…

I have new hair and that makes me debonair?
I have new hair and that makes me debonair?

So we had been warned that many Japanese do not speak English and that we should familiarize ourselves with letters and numbers etc.  Of course I said psshaw ’cause I knew better right?!  Wrong!  Many flight hours were lost on bad Bruce Willis movies when I could have done a little advance prep.  Joe’s team hired an interpreter for a few days just to make sure everyone was on the same page.  One of many lessons learned… 

But what the Japanese do do is animate everything in some form or another.  Here are a few that caused me to pause, laugh, pull out my camera.  Some may require you to click on to the photo to get the full picture.  Hope they make you laugh as well.  

Have to enlarge this one to read the very sweet "hope".  All food labeling should be so gracious
Have to enlarge this one to read the very sweet “hope”. All food labeling should be so gracious





Oh PS - you can smoke everywhere else but not while walking!
Oh PS – you can smoke everywhere else but not while walking!
That's alot of instruction about what to do with your cigarette and I'm still confused.
That’s alot of instruction about what to do with your cigarette and I’m still confused.
Cannot make this stuff up.  Took everything in me not to go in and help them correct the error.
Cannot make this stuff up. Took everything in me not to go in and help them correct the error.
She's cranky about something...your guess is as good as mine.
She’s cranky about something…your guess is as good as mine.
Beware the Great and Evil Thunder Cloud?
Beware the Great and Evil Thunder Cloud?


The shop below is a florist...really?
The shop below is a florist…really?
This one puzzled me until I had to use the non-Western style toilet.  These are actually directions for a Western style toilet.  I'll leave it at that...
This one puzzled me until I had to use the non-Western style toilet. These are actually directions for a Western style toilet. I’ll leave it at that…
Posted by the subway, I get the gist, but wouldn't you love to know what the very polite looking lady is telling us..."You see dear, this is why a clod looks like..."
Posted by the subway, I get the gist, but wouldn’t you love to know what the very polite looking lady is telling us…”You see dear, this is what a clod looks like…”
So sweet and the way my hair was looking on this rainy day...I should have gone in for English and beauty
So sweet and the way my hair was looking on this rainy day…I should have gone in for English and beauty
This might be my favorite epecially the Do Not Annoy...
This might be my favorite epecially the Do Not Annoy…

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