An old friend is having serious cancer surgery today, it is weighing heavy on my mind. What is she feeling this morning? She has a family she is devoted to and they to her, what goes through the brain? Her path forward has a path, that’s good news, but not without treatment that includes a chemo wash. Don’t google, it sounds awful.
On the flip side, for the first time ever I will be a godparent this weekend. My niece’s daughter, my great niece (?) needed someone with paperwork. Yes, laugh aloud as my friend Susan says. I am not a trusted advisor, a dear member of their family posse, but more so… I got paperwork. Was baptized, confirmed, married in the Catholic church so my religious cred is good. Or something like that.
Couple those two events/thoughts with, January, and you have contemplative me. New year, new look at life, new hope, opportunity.
Scrolled through some old posts, not much has changed. Still want to challenge myself to write more, learn more (Spanish!!! Hola!!), do more, see “stuff” for pete’s sake. And those are all within me to do. So let’s get going.

Talk soon.
Hope to see you along the way