7-27-20 A little mailbox treat

Picked up my mail today. Have a home address but also have a P.O. from years ago that I’ve never given up.

Peeked in this evening and saw 2 letters! Have no expectation of responses to letters I am sending but it was fun nevertheless to see mail with real stamps. Spoiler alert, one letter was a return, IA, Insufficent Address. Don’t fret, I’m chasing that address down as I liked my letter hahaha and I like the friend. The other letter has to wait, my treat for posting.

Been a little over 2 weeks, fun so far, and every day a “reason” presents itself. Birthdays, celebrations, and even a letter to an author of a book I finished and LOVED. Likelihood of that letter hitting the mark is slim, but that’s okay, fun to write it.

Okay – gotta run.

Hope to see you along the way.

7-10-20 ~ 365 Days of Letters

Hello you, long time no post.

Have an idea, have had this idea, but as of yesterday the idea took flight, as in went in motion, as in not back in the closet called ‘ideas’.

Write and send a letter a day for 365 days. Friends, family, strangers, who knows. And aim to blog more routinely. Simple? Yes.

I have stationery, boy do I have stationery. Stationery I have collected (okay okay hoarded), and a treasure trove collected (okay okay hoarded) when we cleaned out my Mom’s house. Man, did she have / hold onto / apple does fall far from the tree, some fun, now super vintage cards and stationery.

Stationery is meant to be used!
Stationery is meant to be used!

The other gem we found at my Mom’s, though in truth she asked us repeatedly to go through it with her, fantastic letters dating back to the 1890’s. What a miss there, so many stories she could have provided background, and now will remain forever unanswered. (The letters from my grandmother about her dislike for my father require no interpretation – hahahahahha).

So all influence combined makes me pull the trigger, write letters for pete’s sake.

And better understanding this fun blog tool can’t be bad for my brain either.

Talk later.

Hope to see you along the way.