Sept 2 2016 – Reality is setting in…

Friday night, leg one of my journey home is complete as I am dining tonight not by the Adriatic  Sea, but by the lights of the Munich airport.

Parted ways with my cycling pals around noon today with all of us promising to stay in touch, not sure how that will resonate after we all return to reality, but for some new found Canadian friends I hope it holds true.

I loved the trip, I mean really loved it and was sad to leave.  It is a part of the world I really know nothing about, and am still figuring out.  Many of the sleepy coastal towns had an Italian feel, but then again not. There is no mistaking the Slavic in the people.

I saw some truly amazing things this week and I’ll forever more love Korcula because I was served a slice of pizza from a mother/daughter who were closing up shop, they saw hunger, and answered. I’ll  remember Hvar with a fun smile as I sat on the stoop steps with a shop owner and drank little glasses of vodka. And today on an oddly quiet alley, in very cruise boat busy Dubrovnik, an older lady handed me a free gelato that she was whipping up and I was watching through a little window. Small indelible moments of wonder and wonderful.

Cannot wait to see my honey pie…and my dog.. and start planning my next adventure.

Hope to see you along the way…

Sept 2 2016 – Staging..moving day..

After a very fun dinner and pictures on the cliffs of Dubrovnik last night, this morning we take a final walking tour of the city and part ways.  Most are staying on in some form or another, I’ll start making my way back by way of Munich this evening and on home Saturday morning.

So excited to see my honey pie and sad to say farewell to a really cool adventure.

Time to wander through the castle from Game of Thrones, we’ll talk later..

The window is a-closing…

just realized I never posted this..

Yesterday was a blur, we said good bye to our beautiful sailboat and crew, our mode of transport when not cycling on the islands, and started our day in the midday sun…oooph! That’s an oooph from a true sun-worshipper.  And if I have learned anything in the last few days, there is no way around hills in Croatia. Today was no different.

Only 2 of us took the full ride, the others opted for a lift into our next town Vela Luka. At times, when I was in granny gear and going nowhere fast, I questioned my decision and then I would ride into a little town or experience a serene moment passing by a quiet sea cove and think, nope I made the perfectly right decision for me.

Cycled into town like I was at the end of the Tour de France, of course no one was there cheering me, but it felt good to complete the challenge. Obligatory plunge into the Adriatic, shower, and then we headed off to dinner as a group.

To say this restaurant was off the beaten path, think prairie dogs, vast beyond, and then there it was… a home.. a restaurant.. built completely from the white Croatian rock I have come to love, and no cement, very cool.

Like the obligatory sea plunge, grappa has greeted us at every location. Shots… okay and now we begin. Father and son with a pretty large kitchen set up but not a thing you would call modern or even have confidence could serve the 17 of us, let alone the other diners. And let’s throw in rolling outages where all of us would turn on our cell phone lights and periodic breaks for singing.  Too fun!

While at dinner, we did talk about home a bit and I learned about FaceTime audio, free call via the Internet. I’m so stupid!! But I called Joe, yeah!!!!!

Today, Thursday, (6hrz ahead here), our last day of cycling. We ride the island of Korcula and then a ferry to pick up a bus to drive to Dubrovnik.

Gotta run and gear up for a busy day.

Talk soon